Youbeautydiscovery February 2014

My first box of February came this afternoon and I am over the moon. Last months youbeautydiscovery box didn't wow me.
But this month when the product preview zoomed into my inbox in the last few days of January I was over the moon and wrote a blogpost on here to tell you how excited I was about this months contents.
Well here is my box and I can now show you the contents.
I am not sure if it is because I am used to bigger boxes but they seem smaller. I really love these boxes though as they are ever so cute and dainty and would be great for jewellery.
Lifting the magazine off and seeing the products also makes me very happy. A really great extra to have as I am the only person in my house that likes dark chocolate so no one else tries to steal any.
I might seem greedy but I am not repentant in the slightest.
This months extras were a 35g bag of beyond dark moments of pleasure, hints of orange, and a 20ml sachet of Charles Worthington instant amplifying volume treatment.
As per normal, the chocolate didn't last long and it was absolutely delicious. According to the speel on the back of the bag it is gluten, dairy and wheat free and has three times more antioxidants than other dark chocolates and, more importantly to me, it is yummy with a definite taste of orange. Will definitely look out for these in the future.
I look forward to using the hair treatment too and I like that it is a generous sample as I have very long hair.
I also love the voucher with it as two pound off means I can try out another product and if I use it it means this voucher is a significant saving in a box costing £6.95.
I also love the long date on the voucher as it is valid until the end of June.
Good extras this month in my point of view. Chocolate worth about 83p and hair treatment worth about £1.
My first choice this month, and a product that went out of stock very quickly, was the pixi Flawless & Poreless primer. I am having a love in with my Porefessional at the moment and really love the chance to try another one along with the monu one I found in my stash.
According the back of the tube this is a pore minimising face primer that is oil free and hydrating.
A great item as I am almost out of my benefit one.
As normal I will report back with my view when I have used it a bit. Worth £8.20.
My second item this month is a 15ml tube of GlamGlow youthmud tinglexfoliate treatment. This is the product I am most excited about.
I am a bit of a YouTube junkie, sad thing to say, and the day before the choices came out CoffeeBreakWithDani did a top ten exfoliators and masks video and I really wanted to try the glamglow masks as they sounded really good as they were really good for blocked pores and fairly long lasting, which is good.
I really love her channel and look forward to my wantable accessories box this month as she helped curate it.
If you are ever on YouTube she is worth checking it or you can click the link above to see her channel.
Therefore, when the choices came out I just had to try this mask.
I will probably try it in a few days and report back.
You can buy 15ml in a fancier jar for £24.99.
So, as you can tell from this review I am loving this box as I get two cult products for only £6.95 and it has redeemed itself completely and I look forward to next months box.
the contents in my box were worth approx. £35.02 which is amazing for a box under £7.
More info can be found on youbeautydiscovery can be found here.
Thank you for reading this review and hope you are having a good day. If you already sub what did you pick and, if not, what did you think?
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