Birchbox February 2014
After staying in all day my birchbox finally came this evening and I was really excited as I had looked at the sneak peek but as my surveys weren't working it really was a surprise today as the sneak peak is only ever a preview really.
I really loved the colourful leaflets this month and they really made my even more excited for my products.
These are my products this month and to be honest on first look I was less excited but after examining them I realised I would use all but one product and I knew everyone was getting that. I just wish I could use a preference of 'my eyesight is terrible, please don't send me eyeliner.'
I have to admit that I haven't got a photo of the mini green & black organic dark chocolate as I ate it straight away. Sorry, but it was delicious and I couldn't resist. Not the most amazing lifestyle extra but taste none the less.... Yummy.
So what did I receive, other than the chocolate?
The first item excites me as I loved a spray I received from this brand and I am loving hair oils at the moment.
This is a sample of the protect and oil from beauty protector and I look forward to using it as I loved their product I got months ago.
As per norm, will report back and might repurchase if I love it.
It has a slight smell to it and according to the leaflet you only need one to three drops so I might get a few treatments from it, although it might not be many as I have a lot of hair.
The next item in my box is 45ml of the Gilchrist & Soames shower gel.
It smells alright but is nothing special and I will have to see how it functions as a bubble bath as I have no shower.
Not really excited by this but doesn't make me unhappy to receive it.
The next item excites me and it is a full sized, well I think it is at 12ml, nail varnish from Leighton Denny in meteor match.
It is a rather opaque silver with silver glitter and would love amazing over a white as it would take a lot of coats to get good coverage.
I tried Leighton Denny in my youbeautydiscovery advent calendar and loved it so I am really happy to receive it.
Really happy I didn't get another pink or red. After a few coats it was a nice coverage.
This is £11 in the birchbox shop and almost pays for the box in itself.
The next item in my least favourite as my eyesight is real terrible and I can't use eyeliner for that reason. This is the eyeko London skinny mini liquid eyeliner in black and it will go in my regift pile.
The final item I am also excited by and this is the Janjira art of Siam argan oil concentrate serum.
I love argan oil and serums at the moment but I am yet to use a product that combines both so I really look forward to using this product.
I can't tell you how much this product would cost because it has no measurement on it but I look forward to using it.
I have to admit I did really enjoy this box and I am really happy with it. I had a few boxes recently I didn't like but this makes me happy and if the boxes carry on being like this I might renew when my sub comes to an end.
Hope you are having a lovely day and all is well where you are. Stay safe in this horrid weather.
If you enjoyed this review and want to read more you can follow me on twitter @edwardsmum2011 or you can follow me using one of the methods on my sidebar.
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