Home education. A new era and the end of another.

Almost three years ago my seven year old son started school and there was so much hope, so much joy, for us all.
Three years on, this week, we withdrew him from school and at the moment we will not be entering him back into state education. 
We will be homeschooling.

The honest truth is that for us and for a lot of children with additional needs and their parents that the system is broken.
I have spent a lot of time in the last two years feeling I was banging my head against the wall when it came to provision and the fact that my son was bored and being denied that chance to just be himself, his manic, amazing complex but beautiful and kind self.
He was spending his time silent in lessons a lot of the time and feeling anxious as he was given work he did not find challenging or that was impossible for him to acheive in equal measures.
Meetings after meetings drained me and promises were given and never were followed through with.
School brought in an expert then when they gave suggestions they wouldn't do them.

From the age of five there were recommendations given for adaptations that would make my son's education easier, later recommendations were made by three professionals this year, but these were not followed. Nor was there any intention of doing so.
'Reasonable adjustments' that should be made by law. We turned to the LA and to Ofsted but neither listened and left us in a position that was untenable.
So, we looked for an alternative.

Are we alone in doing this?
No, definitely not. Recent estimations in England is that there are 58,000 home educated students in England numbers are increasing. 
The education system as a whole is not awful, but it does not work for all children, hence the increase in numbers home educating. 

Our next steps.
For the near future we will educate him at home and be able to tailor the education that he needs to his abilities and to his aspirations and interest.
He may be seven years old in terms of chronological age but his abilities range so much that it would be extremely hard for any school to be able to cater well enough for him.
He was perhaps two years ahead in maths, three reading and a year behind in writing by the end of reception and it was soon clear that his school cannot cater for that, but we can.

I have curriculum and he is eager to learn. His light is still there and we will ignite it further and set the world on fire and offer him what he needs.

Why did we wait?
Heaven knows. But, ultimately, we wanted to give it time to change and for him to have more time with his friends. His friends and their parents are amazing and I will still see so many of these through clubs and playdates but there is some pain in parting.

And, now for the obvious question...
No, we are not worried about his socialisation. We will be doing homeschool social groups as well as signing up for quite a few clubs in the local community. Cubs,, beavers, sports clubs, computing/programming clubs, forest schools etc all offer ample opportunity to socialise.
He also currently swims and will restart dance when his swimming lessons move days. He will still be in society, he will not become Harry Potter, the child under the stairs.



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