A day of deliveries/missed deliveries and irritation... (Royal Mail,Betrousse)

It takes a lot to really get my knickers in a twist but Royal Mail is really starting to irritate me something chronic. On Friday I got a sorry I have missed you card despite being in all day and today it happened again.

Granted, I only live minutes from the depot but really I am not sure if they think that my bells electrocutes them, which it has never done to anyone and won't as it is battery powered, or whether they don't carry my parcel at all and carry just the card. 
But, either way it is REALLY REALLY starting to irritate me that on the way to the zoo tomorrow to see the monkeys we will have to collect a parcel again after having to walk to pick one up on Saturday morning with Edward after the failed to deliver on Friday.
Anyway, on to happier things and away from the irritation that is ongoing with my new delivery personnel.
Btw, the guys in the depot are great so my Royal Mail issues are really with the 'no ringing bells' policy and the slow deliveries and lost parcels.
But, anyway, once again back to happier news, although this is more about the products and less about the supplier.

Is this use of caps excessive? Not really as this order was ordered on Boxing Day last year when I was in Durham with my beautiful neices.

I have emailled once to ask it's whereabouts and was told it would arrive in a few days (ages ago) and after that once more to ask for a refund but I am glad it has arrived today (which was ignored).

The contents are above and I am happy as the Lilas Blanc is amazing and the Conq Mondes is great and I am glad to get some delivered as I had ran out of both.
The Conq Mondes smells divine and is so convenient as a spray on moisturiser and I much prefer the Lilas Blanc to the Korean Bounce Cheese Cream I am currently using as a day moisturiser.

But I won't order from Betrousse again and I am probably going to put in a formal complaint to Royal Mail tomorrow as this is at least the third time in the last few weeks.
I know that Betrousse does well with bloggers in general but this blogger is irritated that it took so long to receive goods I paid for, even if the goods are amazing.
I'd definitely say BUYERS BEWARE with betrousse. 

Anyway, sorry for the moan.



  1. Was this through the French Betrousse site or UK one may I ask? Only I know some people who have ordered boxes from the UK site months ago and have recieved nothing yet and are struggling to get any communication. If stuff is trickling through I may let them know. Thanks!

  2. This is the uk site. Hopefully theirs will arrive too. I should have learnt the first time, although ironically their bad customer service is the reason I started this blog.


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