Memebox is finishing shipping to all but Korea, US and China.
Morning all. I know that most of you who are Memebox customers may already know that memebox global have decided to not ship to anyone other than the U.S. after mid February. But I wanted to make sure that all that read my blog were made aware of the fact who didn't receive the email. Personally I think the U.S. is going to see more and more beauty boxes that centre on Korean products opening as Memebox has created a demand and they will have fun competing but that is my opinion. But as for me, the love of kbeauty is definitely not going to end there. I may well sign up for beauteque but I can say with certainty that I will definitely continue to purchase products from places like beautynetkorea and testerkorea. I hope all are fine and well today. Sending all lots of love. x-J-x